Frequently Asked Questions
Still have any questions?
Contact us and we'll help you.
Pricing Questions
Do you offer discounts?
Does it cost $25 per user or per project?
Can you extend my Unlimited Trial?
Working with TeamTime
How do I register for and log into TeamTime?
How do I invite my team members to use TeamTime?
How do I close/delete my TeamTime account?
Is it possible to track time at the task level?
Can I edit the time logs of my employees?
Can I log time directly inside Basecamp with TeamTime?
Does TeamTime work with Basecamp 2?
What versions of Basecamp does TeamTime support?
Does TeamTime integrate this with Quickbooks or Zero for billing?
Privacy Questions
Can my teammates see the time I have logged?
Can I allow non-administrator users to see all time for my team?
Can my client see the time I have logged?
Does TeamTime record the desktop while the user is on the computer and automatically pause when mouse and keyboard activity is stopped?